*The original Touch and Tango have been discontinued since the publishing of this post. Links have been updated to reflect the upgraded models, but the review contents apply to the original [...]
Disclaimers: This post has the potential to go in a million different directions, so consider this your warning that I may ramble off into tangents I recognize and believe that not everyone with [...]
I was worried when I received the Diver app-controlled vibrating egg from PicoBong’s Remoji line. PicoBong is owned by Lelo – something I had momentarily forgotten when I requested [...]
Below you’ll find a list of toys that I’m just probably not going to ever get around to writing a full 4000-word review for, but I occasionally reference them in other reviews and [...]
You’ll probably never see me write a complete review for a lubricant. Why not? I just don’t have a whole lot to say – it either works well for me or it doesn’t. On top of [...]