Whenever I mention a toy by name around here and it’s something I’ve reviewed, I try to link to that review so my readers can get all the info I’m trying to relay. Recently [...]
How do you love a body that refuses to love you back. That’s a question I’ve had for what feels like forever. To be clear – if you’re looking for an answer in this post, I don’t think [...]
No I mean like…fucking packers. I’ve long been on the search for the perfect dildos. In my case, perfect means soft, squishy, pliable. Boring in shape and accommodating in size, [...]
Content Warning : Emotional and psychological abuse in relationships, mental health and self-esteem, suicide, sexual assault, date rape. I had my first real boyfriend at 13 years old. [...]
Despite possessing it for twenty-some odd years and being aware of its existence for at least a decade, I still haven’t fully grasped all the nuances of my finicky G-spot. In fact I [...]
Disclaimers: This post has the potential to go in a million different directions, so consider this your warning that I may ramble off into tangents I recognize and believe that not everyone with [...]
Last weekend I had the opportunity to attend my first conference on sexuality since embarking on my blogging adventure. It was called Playground, hosted right at home in Toronto, a three-day [...]